Wednesday, 18 August 2021

Restoring and cleaning headlights to the original form

Are you struggling to drive your car at night due to milky or foggy headlamps? If so, then you are the target for this article. Yellowing of  headlight lens is a normal process and affects each and every vehicle at some point. However, there are protective measures you can take to slow down or to prevent the process.

I believe that now I got your full attention and you must be wondering what measures am talking about.

1. First, you can visit professionals who deal with vehicle's headlamps cleaning and ask then to install a special clear tint on your lens. This will cost you some cash but it will protect your light for long.

2. If your car is already affected, you can look for cleaning or restoration products such as Turtle wax headlight restoration kit in Jumia, spare shops, Auto Express and supermarkets. This kit is among the best you can get but requires you to follow an elaborate procedure to get good results - it has several sand paper grades to scrub your lens and a specially made base coat and sealing wipes. If unavailable locally, you can source  online and have it delivered.

3. If you want to try out some home remedies, you can try: 

(a) Coca cola (coke) soda. I tried this one and the results were not as expected.

(b) Tooth paste- it does a better job than coca cola soda but still not satisfactory.

4.  Still curious, you can try DW-40, this one you can easily get is in spare parts shops or supermarkets and just by spraying on the lens, your headlights will shine but not for long.

5. The last product that I want to discuss about here is the Turtle Wax HEADLIGHT CLEANER & SEALANT. Out of all the so-called home remedies, this one I can vouch for it - I tried and tested it  myself and the results were spectacular. 

All you need to do is:

(i) Clean your headlights well and let them dry or wipe them dry. 

(ii) Apply this solution on a clean cotton material and rub it on your lens in a circular motion and in moderate pressure. 

Add till the whole lens is covered with it. Give it a few minutes as this product works through de-oxidation  (yellowing removal) and then firmly press it in a circular motion. The more you apply and rub, the clearer the lamps will get. 

(iii) After you are done applying, rinse it well and voila! The magic happens and that's it. Now repeat the process to the other headlight.

I just like it, no sand papering or anything. Within 15 minutes, you are done and the difference is evident.

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Restoring and cleaning headlights to the original form

Are you struggling to drive your car at night due to milky or foggy headlamps? If so, then you are the target for this article. Yellowing of...